Greetings Beloved,

It’s me Coach Carmen, NY State Certified Holistic, Health Coach and founder of Sharing The Bliss!

Let me ask you. How long have you had that deep desire to do something to help people overcome physical and emotional issues? You'd be amazed at how many people say they felt that calling as long as they could remember. Sadly however, most have done little, if anything about it because of their own physical and/or emotional issues. They don't feel able or worthy to help others while in their current situation.

Well this is what I have to say about that! Our mess is our mission, our pain is our power and our  prosperity is in our purpose!

The Body & Soul Detox was conceived during the most tumultuous time of my life, including recovering from a life-treatening illness! So whatever you may be going through, I believe that you being here, reading about this unique certification and business opportunity is a divine appointment!

Maybe you've been in the health field for years but the "Medicial Matrix" is keeping you from offering patients holistic options that don't include side-effects.

Or perhaps you're in ministry and would love helping God's people get free from unhealthy food addictions that you, yourself may still be challenged with! 

There are thousands of passionate, "Wellness Warriors" without medicial degrees or certifications, offering life-saving advice to everyone they can. Sadly however, most are super-frustrated with having their words fall on deaf ears. You see, "preaching the gospel" of good health doesn't work. Being Certified and having a program to offer does.

Facilitating the Body & Soul Detox program these past thirteen years have blessed my life in so many ways! I can’t tell you how fulfilling it is to take individuals on a life-transformational journey to emotional healing and restored health God’s way! To get paid for it too is truly a dream! Best of all, doing so has given me my Mess to Mission, Pain to Power, Purpose to Prosperity Story!

I’m beyond thrilled to offer a number of “heart-selected” women the opportunity to become Certified, Body & Soul Detox Coaches with their very own, Ready-To-Go Business. 

Heal Your Body & Transform Your Life While Getting Paid To Help Others Do The Same

Imagine helping people soothe their souls and heal their bodies while you're taken through your own health and wellness journey. Imagine not only receiving a Certification but a Ready-To-Go Business that comes along with it! That's right your very own business without any of the usual business over-head, monthly expenses, overwhelm and stress. Okay, now imagine earning a good income with this business! Now that's turning your Purpose into Prosperity!

Did You Know...

The health coaching field has been one of the fastest growing industries in America, and has exploded since the pandemic! 

Unfortunately the holistic (spirit, soul & body) programs are generally taught from a New Age perspective. Other online certification programs teach natural health modelities, but dismiss the soul and spirit  connection all together. 

Yes, being able to take people (who you were called to serve) through a faith-based, life-transformational journey to emotional healing and restored health is an amazing experience my sister!

Keep reading. Below you'll find everything you need to know to say yes to this life-transforming opportunity!

YOU MIGHT BE ASKING... "Why should I invest in a coaching certification now with so much economic uncertainty"? The answer is because it's one of the best investments you can make right now! Even in this economy people are investing in themselves by going back to school. They're hoping that a college degree will give them better job opportunies. The truth however is, the only thing promised them after graduation is a feeling of pride (which is good), a  sheep skin to go on their wall and a boat load of debt. 

Investing in this program is investing in your health and your wealth that happens to include a Certification and Ready-To-Go Business!

Even with all the available "health care" benefits, people are spending more money on hospital bills, medication, treatments, health supplies, etc., than the sixties, seventies and eighties combined. The BIG SECRET they don't want us to know is that  our health conditions feed a multi-trillion dollar machine. We're worth more sick than we are healthy in the USA!

Our 28-Day Body & Soul Detox Coaches understand that it's worth more to the world to get people healthy!

THE GOOD NEWS IS... There are millions of people willing to spend a large part of their money on "Wellness-Care"! Why? Because they're sick and tired of being sick and tired, and don't want to continue going down the "Medical Matrix Rabbit Hole" with no end, in sight!!! 

The health and wealth connection is real! It's hard to maintain wealth if it's being poured into medical expenses. People are looking for alternatives outside of the Medical Matrix. And they're willing to pay for it!


When I went back to school to become a certified health coach I had already taken a couple hundred people successfully through the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox program. 90% of my classmates however, graduated clueless as to how to turn what they learned into an actual structured, transformational program. Many had success taking clients one by one through a generic, coaching  program. Sadly however, most of them stayed stuck because they did not have a proven, pre-paved platform that was fun and exciting to facilitate.

The 28-Day Body & Soul Detox isn't theory, it's proven! It didn't just save and transform my life back in 2010, it continues to do so. But what's even more wonderful is since then hundreds of people have had their lives changed by the program. 

Becoming a Body & Soul Detox can to take your life to a whole other level spiritually, physically and financially!!!



People are finally accepting the fact that if they don't get healthier they will most likely end up living on medication for the rest of their lives!

The good news is people are becoming more aware of holistic options causing the wellness industry to grow at an exponential rate! This is confirmed by the fact that multiple thousands of people are becoming health coaches each year.

Get Ready, Get Set, Let's Go! 

Your 4 Month Program Syllabus Includes...

Detox Partcipation

Live, Online Program:  Get ready to experience the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox program as would a client.

This Do & Learn teaching technique will not only make you healthier, it'll prepare you to be a more confident coach. 


Your Who, Why & Do: It all starts with knowing who God called YOU to serve and giving Him the Glory by writing your "Mess-2-Mission" Story.

Includes Weekly 1-Hour Zoom Class and Monthly 4-Hour Get-It-Done  Zoom Workshop


Set Up For Success: It's time to get you and your business systems in place so that you can serve and succeed with grace and ease.

Includes Weekly 1-Hour Zoom Class and Monthly 4-Hour Get-It-Done  Zoom Workshop


Client Activation System: You'll learn the unique, heart-centered skill we use to offer who we know what we do and enroll them into the Detox.

Includes Weekly 1-Hour Zoom Class and Monthly 4-Hour Get-It-Done  Zoom Workshop


Client Outreach: You're going to master the 3rd. process we use to keep an ever-flowing stream of new local and national clients.

Includes Weekly 1-Hour Zoom Class and Monthly 4-Hour Get-It-Done  Zoom Workshop


Let the Celebration Begin! Our Zoom Graduation Ceremony is a special time.  You now have all the tools and condience to deliver the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox anytime and anywhere knowing you can plug your enrollees into our Detoxes as long as you like.


One of the amazing benefits of this program is the support you receive  healing your own body and soul!

As a Certified 28-Day Body & Soul Detox Coach you are welcome to enroll in the Detox program facilitated by us (Sharing The Bliss) as often as you like during and after your certification training at no additional cost! The only requirement is that you maintain a minimum of 3 clients within a 6 month period. Having this opportunity is important because we all need to continue to stay on the “Holistic Wellness Bridge”! The journey is never over; we simply go “from Glory to Glory”!


There's nothing like living the "Laptop Lifestyle"! With your Ready-To-Go business it doesn't matter where you choose to work or where your clients live! Take your business wherever you want to go or stay where you are and reach the world. Just imagine delivering the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox to a private client in West Africa, while facilitating the program to an organization in Miami. 

However you can also plug your clients into the Sharing The Bliss Detoxes as long as you wish. You can even start earning income and changing lives doing so, before you complete your certification!



We know how much you may already have on your plate, so we've  designed  Live  Monthly, Interactive, Get-It-Done Zoom Workshops. This allows you to complete each module one time, in a group rather than trying to do the work on your own! 

At the same time you're receiving a stellar curriculum that includes ALL THE TOOLS YOU NEED to confidently facilitate the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox privately or to churches and large groups, live or virtually, nationally and internationally! And it can happen in just four months with this one of a kind program!

Here's All You  Receive:

  • Complete Online Course Portal with Video Trainings & Materials

  • Private Facebook Group

  • Downloadable Program Training Materials

  • Life-time Participate in the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox as a Client (w/ minimum activity requirement) 

  • Weekly 1-Hour Saturday Morning Zoom Classes

  • Monthly 4-Hour Live/Virtual,  Interactive Get-It Done Zoom Workshops

  • Done-For-You Marketing Material & Templates (including agreement forms)

  • Done-For-You Enrollment Tools & Scripts

  • Support Creating Your Signature Talk

  • A Beautiful Certification Certificate (you’ll be proud to frame)

  • Program Header Customized with Your Photo

  • Participation in quarterly Detox Q&A Zooms for enrollment support


The Wellness Warriors 

Passionate students who complete their Coach Certification and have enrolled 6 clients are invited to become part of the Elite Wellness Warriors Team. 

As a Sharing The Bliss Wellness Warrior you get to join us on stages as we share the transforming principles of the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox! Not only will these opportunies feed your soul, you will have access to more potential clients than you've dreamed of.

Exciting isn't it?

Have more questions? No worries, simply fill out this form and we will get back to you shortly!

Here's what you're going to do... 

28-Day Body & Soul Detox Participation 

The best way to learn how to facilitate any program is to experience what your clients will experience. As the saying goes you have to be in it to win it! This means as part of your training you’ll be enrolled in our next 28-Day Body & Soul Detox as a client.

If you’ve done the program before you’ll be able to give it all you got this time. You’ll also get to see things through the eyes of one being trained to teach. This Do & Learn teaching technique will prepare you to be a more confident coach. 


Module 1 - Your How, Why & Do

During your first month of actual training you will truly discover and uncover your God-given purpose. You're going to be surprised at how well it fits you as a Detox Coach. This includes...

  • Mess-2-Mission (Story Telling Template)
  • Who, Why & Do (30 Second Intro)
  • Coach Creed & Declaration (Review)
Module 2 - Setting Up for Service & Success Part I

You will customize your Done-For-You Booking Scripts and Emails. This includes...

  • 100 Name (Invitation) List
  • Health & Wellness Assessment Booking Sheets
  • Health & Wellness Google Assessment Form


Module 3 - Setting Up for Service & Success 

During your second month you will begin setting up the back-end structures of your business. This includes...

  • 14 Day Plan Implementation Process
  • Folders & Filing System Setup
Module 4 - Client Activation Process
  • Using Support Calls to Book Health & Wellness Assessments
  • Assessment Call Confirmation Email  Template


Module 5 - Health & Wellness Assessment Process

During your third month you will learn to confidently conduct Health & Wellness Assessments. This includes...

  • The G.R.O.W. Formula
  • Assessment Follow-Up / Offer Emails
  • Payment Processing Setup (Paypal or Stripe)
Module 6 - Ready -Set - Enroll

Your enrollment training includes everything from step-by-step sequences for  setting them up in your clients. You’ll learn my signature system for turning candidates (potential clients) into paying clients. It’s a unique Spirit-Filled Selling (Serving) System based on strategic, heart-centered steps for making your offer to serve. Your Welcome Packet and Client Agreement templates

  • Enrollment Process
  • Client Setup Process
  • Welcome Email - 1


Module 7 - Client Outreach

After you've called everyone in your circle of influence you'll quickly realize that your local community can be a gold mine if you got the tools and the skills.

  • Referral Program
  • Prospecting Basic
  • Every Day Prospecting
  • Event Prospecting
Module 8 - Ready - Set - Launch

It's time to launch out and share what you do with the world. In your final month you will learn all of the marketing options available for you to select from and customize. 

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Community Outreach (Local Talks)
  • Group Gatherings  and Home Talks


  • You receive your custom created Business Header
  • We'll send you your beautiful Certificate
  • Exciting Zoom Graduation & Celebration

In Business for Yourself But Not by Yourself

As a Certified 28-Day Body & Soul Detox Coach you are part of the Sharing The Bliss Coaching Community. We will be here forever to help you succeed!

One of the ways we do that is by offering our coaches the opportunity to plug their clients into any Sharing The Bliss facilitated Detox at only $100 per client! This gives you confidence knowing that your enrollees will not only have your support but the support of all the  their coaches partcipating in that Detox. In addition they will be surrounded by clients others on the same path! 

Meet A Few of Our Coaches...

Coach Denise ~

The Wellness Deeva

I had a Pilates business but once I did the detox program and saw my transformation I wanted to offer my clients the same experience. I love being a detox coach because I get to lead people on a body & soul wellness journey while getting the support I need to stay on mine. 

Coach Dee 

After being a home attendent for many years, my soul was crying out for more. When I heard about the Detox Coach Certification I enrolled immediately. As I longtime Vegan and lover of holistic living it was a perfect fit! 

Coach CC

As a fitness instructor for many years I've always knew how vital diet was for longterm health. After receiving a health coach certification from a well-known school I become a 28-Day Body & Soul Coach. I loved that the program was faith-based and offered a complete, proven system for me and my clients to successfully follow.

Coach Jasmine

I live in New Zealand and when I heard Coach Carmen on a radio show my husband and I who were both in ministry at our church contacted her about her detox coach certification and enrolled immediately. She was so helpful in setting us up.

Coach Alisha

I became a Detox coach because of my deep desire to help my people understand that our health is our wealth. People don't realize how important their health is so they don't take it seriously. I’m here to change that. I love that this Detox is about the body and the soul. It’s gentle and easy and the food is delicious. It just makes sense!

Coach Meechie

Becoming a Detox health coach has been absolutely benefical for my health and healing. But what's most rewarding to me as a minister is helping bring health to the body and soul of God's people. I love that this program has made a life-changing difference for numerous people. Its a tremendous blessing!


  • WILL I BE WORKING INDEPENDENTLY? If you wish. As a Certified 28 Day Body & Soul Detox Coach you are an independent contractor. Most women prefer to stay connected to the Sharing The Bliss Coach Community for continued training, support, accountibility and sisterhood. 
  • IS THIS REALLY MY OWN BUSINESS? Yes! Your marketing materials, forms etc. are customized for you, however much like a franchise you are required to keep the brand images, not change the copyright program materials and keep the program itself the same. As a business owner you are required to pay your own taxes (use your many write offs), and obtain your own insurance.
  • ARE THERE ANY SPECIFIC CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS? Yes! You are required to complete the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox yourself, enroll 2 clients into a current Sharing The Bliss Detox and complete your training with a satisfactory grade all within your 4 month training  time frame. 
  • HOW MUCH DO I CHARGE? We suggest that you offer your group programs from $175 to $275 per person and your private program from $497 to $997 per person. What's most exciting is that you'll be able to start earning income and changing lives before the program ends!
  • HOW MUCH CAN I EARN? Certified coaches receive 100% profit on all income they earn with private clients. How cool is that? Because there are no products for you to purchase, you pretty much have FULL PROFIT! Having just 2 private clients a month can cover a huge chunk of your bills or take you on fabulous vacations. However, when a client is brought into the Sharing The Bliss Group Program there is a fee.
  • WHAT IS THE INVESTMENT? The investment for this certification program is amazingly low for all that you receive considering the fact that you can make your money back in a short period of time. We're currently offering a special, Once-In-A-Life-Time opportunity to receive this coach training and certification for a massive savings. Remember that the program also includes your enrollment in the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox group program as often as you like. Most importantly you receive 100% of the money you earn when you facilitate the program on your own!
  • WHERE DO I FIND PEOPLE TO ENROLL? Before we offer anyone the opportunity to do the Detox we offer them a Complimentary Health & Wellness Support Call that includes filling out an Assessment Form. You can start with your friends and family. We teach you how  easily expand out of your inner circle. 
  • WHAT IF I"M NOT READY TO COACH ON MY OWN? No worries! About 7 times a year we (Sharing The Bliss) offers the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox program collectively facililtated by me and our Certified Coaches. You get to work with your personal clients and they get the benefit of being supported by me and your follow Coach Sisters. You will also soon be able to plug clients into the fully automated Online Program (coming Soon). Both of these options require a fee from you per clients. 

The 28-Day Body & Soul Detox Coach Certification and Ready-To-Go Business

Will Allow You To...

1. Turn your pain into power.

2. Live your purpose fill-out..

3. Help people heal while you heal yourself. 

4. Grow your business anywhere.

5. Be a part of a the Wellness Warriors Sisterhood. 

6. Have a speaking platform with an awesome Signature Talk.

7. Earn as much money as you like.

Let's Talk!

Interested but have more questions Beloved? No worries, simply fill out this form and we'll give you a call!

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