7 Vital Keys To Real Change

detox goals inner strength self-disipline support wellness

Beloved if the lack of discipline and self-control is making it hard for you to change a lifetime habit such as unhealthy eating, a disorderly household or out of control emotions, you name it, there's good news! You don’t need to overhaul your entire life for a life-changing, change to occur! These simple but often missed keys will open the door to real change in your life.

  1.  What and Why: Let’s start with an elementary question that rarely receives a definitive answer. What do you want? Even better… What do you really want? It’s astounding how few people can answer that question sincerely. The answer however is the beginning of all change. Get crystal clear about what you want to change. Journal it out and write an affirming statement as if the channge has occured. Read the statement daily! As for the “Why”, I like to say that change needs a change ingredient and that ingredient is WHY! A strong why can push the biggest obstacles out of the way! I heard someone say many years ago that if you don’t find your “Why” your “Why” will find you! I know this to be true by all of the people who come to me and our Detox Coaches after they’re practically knocking on death’s door. Their “Why” couldn’t be ignored so it came-a-callin.
  2. Decide: Now you have to decide on what you will do to make it happen. Have you ever heard the phrase “success is only a decision away”? I know it sounds obvious but whatever you want to see change in your life requires a NMW (No Matter What) decision to make the change. What are you willing to give up? How much are you willing to pay? How much time are you willing to devote?Here’s the thing Beloved! Decisions are lifeless without action. Once you decide, you have to step into action because action is the force behind change.
  3. Ask, Receive & Activate: Ask God for help. "Ask and it shall be given" Discipline and self-control requires spiritual warfare. You must plug into the power of God first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Once you receive it you have to activate it! I've found myself struggling to stay consistent with certain things on my own many times rather than asking the Holy Spirit for help. As a result I stayed stuck in those ares for way too long, powerless against the resistance. It's not that I didn't have the power, I just wouldn't think to activate it! "Behold I have given you power..." Imagine going to war without weapons, or having them but not using them? The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for casting down strongholds..."
  4. Break It Down: Sometimes, the thought of changing a lifetime habit such as unhealthy eating, keeping a disorderly household or out of control emotions can be intimidating. The good news! You don’t need to overhaul your entire life for a life-changing, change to occur. Starting with the first step and sticking with it is the best way to build momentum. Choose one routine to focus on at a time, and commit to doing it consistently. Once you've established that one, you can add on the next. This is why the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox breaks each of its processes down into manageable steps. Try breaking things down to help you stay focused and motivated. You’ll find yourself moving towards your goal without feeling like you're taking on too much at once.
  5. Make a PLAN: When we have a plan in place, written down AND scheduled into our day, it's so much easier to get it done. The more we repeat our new habits, the easier they become, so remember that even if it feels overwhelming now, it certainly gets easier day by day, week by week and month by month! You’ll see!
  6. Be Kind to Yourself: Remember that making changes takes time and effort, and it's normal to experience setbacks along the way. When you do encounter obstacles, try to be kind to yourself and avoid negative self-talk at all costs. It will keep you stuck. Instead, "call those things that be not as though they are" and focus on what you can learn from the experience. Study the Word behind any setback and use it to help you move forward.
  7. Get Connected: Trying to go it alone is hard and unpredictable because we have to deal with our own crazy emotions while being attacked spiritually. A community of like-minded others is one of the main reasons why so many of our clients do so well with the 28-Day Body & Soul Detox. It’s a warm, supportive, no judgement community full of high-vibe women and a few really cool guys!

Believe it or not Beloved, what we eat has a great deal to do with the way we feel, think and act as well as the choices we make in all areas of our lives. This is why joining us for the Summer 2023 28-Day Body & Soul Detox is a great decision. It will make the changes you truly wish to see in your life come to fruition much sooner, with grace and ease! Click the button to learn more and register today before 2 part pay ends.