I Have Some Good News for You Sis!

I pray all is well with you and yours!

Listen Woman of God, I have some encouraging news! 2022 can be your year of miraculous breakthroughs in spite of the pandemic, political unrest or any health issues and emotional mayhem you may be facing!

We have within us Supernatural empowerments that simply need to be activated! The truth is we need to do so more than ever to survive, much less thrive today! Why? Because “The Matrix” forces are working harder than ever to pull us in, so that we're kept out of God's perfect will for our lives. A good life!

We were created to be in the world but not of it for a good reason. However, our mindsets, diet and lifestyles have made that near impossible. 

I'm was excited to be a featured guest on The Walt Weekly Podcast to share on this subject inbeween the Q&A. If you missed hanging out with me live check out the replay!