Sacred Self Care

As you may know by now I call the world “The Matrix”! If you’ve seen the movie you know why. Read 1 John 17. Jesus Himself told us… ‘We are in this world, but we are not to be a part of it’ for good reason. As The Matrix (the world) gets darker and it’s frequency becomes lower and heavier we must raise our frequency by becoming lighter and brighter spiritually and physically. One of the ways we can do so is through Sacred Self Care.

We can get set free from chronic headaches, backaches, constipation, skin disorders, breathing difficulties, auto-immune disease, thyroid dysfunction, joint pain, high stress, weight problems, cancer, mental issues, addictions and womb issues such as menstrual problems, menopausal issues, yeast infections and fibroid tumors! are you ready to step into your Supernatural power by receiving your healing on every level? I am!

It’s time to embody the Sacred Heiresses we truly are! By working from the inside out and the outside in, we not only receive beautification, restoration, we also align ourselves with protection, miracles and blessings. It’s how to live a life of ‘happiness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost’ every day. In other words it’s how we live our BLISS!

The fact is, God has already given us all of these things the pertain to life and Godliness’. All things include natural and spiritual wisdom for obtaining and maintaining our health, beauty and emotional wellbeing. But there’s an alluring, beguiling counterfeit!  

Health spas have been a source for rejuvenation, beautification and restoration of the mind and body since the Roman Baths. The New Age movement along with America’s interest Eastern holistic philosophies introduced “spirituality” to our modern-day spa experience. The intent was to connect the mind, body and spirit. The New Age movement believes in the mind, body and soul connection. When a New Ager speaks of the soul they are usually speaking of what they believe to be man’s higher self. Zoë Spirit Sacred Self-Care is based on the spirit, soul and body connection. It's why Sacred Self Care has been a vital part of our “Healed, Whole, Body & Soul" ~ Total Life Transformation Program from day one!