Meet The Wellness Warriors Live

We're living in one of the most difficult times in history to be raising children! We hear one horror story after the next in the news about our young people!

Most would say that we can only pray. As a holistic (spirit, soul & body), life-transformational coach I say we have to do much more than pray! We have to take dominion over what "is"! 

I'm honored and thrilled to be teaching on this subject as a Keynote Speaker next Saturday. In addition the Sharing The Bliss "Wellness Warriors", Coach Denise (Denise Beachem), Coach CC (Celeste Holmes-Bute) and I will be facilitating a workshop entitled "Woman Be Well."

The exciting news is ALL ARE INVITED...

If you live in the Tri-state area come join us live. And if you live any where else in the world register for a FREE VIRTUAL SEAT!