Girl, What's Your Story? Part 2

 Greetings Beloved, 

How was your Juneteenth? Coach Denise and I were able to squeeze some fun in between the work participating in Staten Island’s awesome Juneteenth Celebration at historic Snug Harbor. In addition to setting up and manning the Sharing The Bliss tent, we modeled designer Rosie Couture’s clothing in the 2nd Annual Motherland Fashion Show. We’re doing our best to reach out with everyone who stopped by to shop and say hi! 

--->>> My Webinar is tomorrow at 7pm EST Register Here FREE and receive the “Gift of Bliss Bundle” 

So now it’s back to work which includes continuing where I left off in last week’s email. If you recall I was wondering if I should continue to tell my story when so many people today have their own trauma and drama stories. I mentioned how the answer came from the Holy Spirit and it was YES! So here’s what came up in my spirit… 

--->>> My Webinar is tomorrow at 7pm EST Register Here FREE and receive the “Gift of Bliss Bundle” 

There are people like me who have been through a life-altering, debilitating, “Twilight Zone” experience years before the world-wide Pandemic hit. Some of those individuals like me, took years to recover. God allowed their suffering because He knew that through their PAIN would come their POWER and through their MESS their MISSION! Those who were willing to take on “The Mission” then are now in the perfect position to support those suffering through the aftermath of the Pandemic today! 

What I've came to realize is, our Mess to Mission stories, no matter how old are anointed to remove burdens and destroy yokes! The Mission given me after my “Twilight Zone” (Cocoon Experience) 12 years ago was Sharing The Bliss! And since then, I’ve been “taking women of faith on a joyful journey to holistic health, purpose and empowerment with programs that help them soothe their souls, heal their bodies, turn their pain into power and their purpose into prosperity.” And that's a story that still needs to be told!

--->>> My Webinar is tomorrow at 7pm EST Register Here FREE and receive the “Gift of Bliss Bundle”

The amazing Gift of Bliss Bundle is my 12th Anniversary Gift to you that took 2 years to create! It includes FREE REGISTRATION to the "7 Days To Emotional and Physical Healing Webinar