Shake It Off and Active Your Powers

What’s Blocking My Greatness? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Whether you are seeking to gain mental and emotional wellness, heal your body, become your ‘healthy weight’, end a debilitating addiction or self-sabotaging habit, create a 7 figure, purpose-driven business, raise amazing children; whatever it is, seeds have been planted in you to do it!

I believe we each have a destiny of greatness, because we were created by a great, glorious, loving God and are seeds of Abraham and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. And to be sure that we would receive our inheritance God worked it out so that we would be redeemed from every curse by the blood of Jesus. 

With all that we’ve been given one may ask “Then why I am living so beneath my potential?”. The answer is that we have not been activating our Supernatural endowments nor walking in the redemption that Jesus paid the ultimate price for.  I’m sure you’ve heard all of this about God’s precious promises many times, however NOW IS THE TIME that you RECEIVE (the promises) and BELIEVE (the promises) with every fiber of your being. I can hear you say "I have received and do believe the promises". That’s wonderful; however there is another step that must be taken to activate your power to live in the full and consistent flow of God’s abundant blessings. 

It is the step that most believers sadly never take. The third step is to ADAPT the promises that you receive and believe, into your thoughts, your words, your actions and your feelings every day, all day.  II Corinthians 4:13 “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believe, and therefore have I spoken; we believe, and therefore speak;” It’s called the LAW OF ADAPTATION and it’s the only way to live as the Superbeings we truly are while faced with all of the mess and mayhem of this cursed world!