Dieting Versus Detoxing (What you really need to know!) Episode #07

detox inner strength plant-based raw food self-disipline weight loss wellness


Welcome to the first episode of our new series "Detox Your Way To Health". 

Let’s face it, being strong and healthy both physically and emotionally has never been more important! 

The good news is I have a secret that your medical doctors will never tell you. You can heal from virtually any illness (mental or physical) with inner cleansing, detoxification and a living, plant-based diet. It's also vital for the prevention of disease and mental dysfunction. Why? Think about it; when someone gets a snake bite the first thing to do is to remove the venom. 

Today we delve into the major differents between dieting and detoxing, exploring their methodologies, effects on the body, and long-term implications of both. By uncovering the truth behind these approaches, you can navigate your wellness journey towards getting to the root of what's causing the bad fruit! 

The quest to loose weight and manage health issues most people believe that dieting or changing one's diet is the answer! However, understanding the true benefits of detoxing is crucial for making long-term health changes.

Detoxing is a way of starting over. Its giving your body and soul (your mind, will & emotions) a fresh start. It begins the process of rebuilding and renewing by deleting "bad programs" and replacing them with new healthy ones. The old programs that carry viruses and disease, feed their information into the cells of every part of your body including your brain cells. This confirms the saying "You are what you eat".

Be sure to register for the upcoming 28-Day Body & Soul Detox which includes the complete Soul Detox process. Go questions? Call me at (718) 273-9772 or schedule a Complimentary Health & Wellness Support Call 


Let's Do This Sis!

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