Episode #01 | How To Avoid Colds, The Flu & Covid This Year!

covid detox recovery self-care self-healing viruses



As the seasons change and temperatures fluctuate, so does the prevalence of colds, flu, and the ever-present concern of Covid-19. Staying healthy and warding off these common illnesses has become more crucial than ever. 

In this epidsode Coach Denise and I explore practical and effective strategies to help you navigate the challenges of staying well in the face of contagious viruses. From bolstering your immune system to adopting mindful hygiene practices, this comprehensive guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to minimize your risk of falling victim to colds, flu, and Covid this year. By implementing these tips and making informed choices, you can proactively safeguard your health and well-being, and contribute to a safer and healthier community.

Be sure to click image of the Free Episode Resource I created for you below. It covers a lot more important information and offers many holistic remedies and preventative options for staying well.


I had so many grandiose plans for my December birthday, Christmas and New Year's that were all shut down because I got sick! Ugh… I caught a bad cold that included a sore throat, eye infection, ear infection and throbbing head pain which lasted three weeks! There were several issues that lead to catching this bug.

The first was the environment. Our uncle passed and the funeral was pretty epic. Anthony and I drove to the church in one of the Mercedes Sprinters that was rented for the family. We rode with 10 others and no one wore a mask. After the service, everyone who attended greeted the family seated in the first pews with handshakes and hugs.

From there we continued the greetings outside in the cold before jumping in the van. The ride to the cemetery was actually over 60 minutes. It was an outdoor, Airforce ceremony in a windy location.

My immune system had been compromised earlier last year as a result of mold (which I'm highly allergic to) in my basement. Being on and off again with my health & wellness routine didn't help. When that opportunistic, bug jumped on me my defenses were too weak to fight. I felt awful. I can't believe how many people got sick after attending that funeral. Some like me caught bad colds, a few got the flu and several contracted Covid!

Needless to say, I'm back with a vengeance and closing all "the breaches"! Our next 28-Day Body & Soul Detox is starting right on time!


Here's some FYI that you may or may not know about various virus symptoms. Both the common cold and the flu are respiratory illnesses caused by different viruses. While they share some similar symptoms, there are key differences. The symptoms of COVID-19 are variable depending on the type of variant contracted, ranging from mild symptoms to a potentially fatal illness.

Many people who are infected have more mild symptoms like a scratchy throat, stuffy or runny nose, occasional mild cough, fatigue, and no fever. Some people have no symptoms at all, but they can still spread the disease.” Fever seems to be one of the more common early markers of COVID-19.

Common Cold Symptoms (that could be Covid):

  1. Gradual onset of symptoms
  2. Runny or stuffy nose
  3. Sneezing
  4. Sore throat
  5. Coughing
  6. Mild fatigue

Flu Symptoms (that could also be Covid)

  1. Sudden onset of symptoms
  2. Fever and chills
  3. Body aches and muscle pain
  4. Headache
  5. Fatigue
  6. Dry cough
  7. Chest discomfort

One of the most benefical things you can do to protect yourself from any virus is to boost your immune system.

Bare-bone Basics Immune Boosters

  • Eat a high-Raw Organic Vegan diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduce your sugar intake drastically.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • Try not to become run down by chronic mental or physical stress.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco.

I hope you were blessed by this episode. Don't miss next week when we dicuss what do to recover quick if you're already sick!

COACH'S REQUEST:  My request this week is that you download this episode’s juicy, FREE RESOURCE in which I cover many holistic healing remedies below!... 

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