black woman self judgement reflection

Are You Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy?

dominate inner strength self reliance self talk self-care self-disipline self-love support

Teddy Pendergrass sung a song back-in-the-day called "You Can't Hide From yourself (everywhere you go there you are)". That song was not only a great hustle jam (Anthony and I still love to hustle), the lyrics were really deep.

The answer to my question, are you your own best friend or your own worst enemy, can be very sobering, especially when you consider the fact that you can't hide from yourself. You can hide from your friend down the street, or even an annoying coworker, but you can’t hide from yourself, not for a minute. The reality is most people have a duel thing going on. They support their own efforts occasionally, while most of the time allowing the enemy to talk them into self-destructive thoughts and actions. Because destruction is his calling card. He thrives on destroying relationships. The two relationships highest on his agenda are our relationship with God and our relationship with ourselves.

Foundational Scripture ~ Ephesians 3:14-20  If you cannot honestly say that you are your own “BFF” (best friend forever) 24/7, you now know who most likely is blocking your greatness. Oouch! I know, but it’s time for our advancement. It’s time for us to live in total health, wealth, peace and purpose. Yes even today! It’s not about the nonsupport you’re getting from your spouse, your children, or your homies, or on your job. IT’S ABOUT YOU NOT SUPPORTING YOU! You're not being very supportive when you're constantly putting yourself down, looking at your body with disgust,  calling yourself names, questioning every decision you make and going over all the things you should have done better at the end of each day! If you have a friend that treats you like that; NEWS FLASH... that's not a friend, that's a "friend-nemy"!

The thing is I can so relate! I could never do enough right to satisfy me. Don't know how many times I went to bed frustrated that I didn't eat right, achieve my sales goal and on and on. Thank God I had a husband that helped me see all that was right when I could only see what wasn't!

Are you like that sis? If so no worries, it’s never too late to begin building a beautiful relationship with someone as awesome as you are my love. You got this!  

Now please don’t get it twisted, in no way am I referring to developing a boastful, self-centered, ego-driven personality. Nor am I suggesting that you go around talking to yourself like someone with a multiple personality disorder. You see as a child of the Most High God, you were created to rely on Him for everything, while seeing yourself as your greatest asset. Why?... Because God Himself dwells within you. You were created in His image and He thinks you're pretty amazing (please read the foundational scripture Ephesians 3:14-20).

If you’re not rooted, grounded and vibrationally tuned into the Greater One in you, you can find yourself in a state of physical self-sabotage. Michael Jackson is a great example of how the enemy can show us a distorted image of ourselves. He often dangles a false image of perfection that can never be obtained because it's never good enough. This is why tattoos are so addictive. When I see all the beautiful young men and women "marked up" from head to toe with tattoos it saddens me. Some are so ghastly it's clear that their souls are tormented. Look out for my article on the dark influences that control the Tattoo Industry. 

Take a moment to imagine (image in) all the things you could accomplish in your life if you were congruent with who you are in Christ. How different would things be if you worked with the Holy Spirit to better support you. Making the choice to become my own best friend, when I became seriously ill in 2007 saved my life. I'm taking that same approach now to lose ten pounds and normalize my blood pressure.

One of the tools I'm using is my Divine-Self Meditation. I created it to help STB clients get unstuck and transform their relationship with themselves. It’s essentially a conversation with the you God created you to be, your Divine Nature. She's there within you waiting for you to embody her and make her your bff (best friend forever).

When we master the art of being in consistent harmony with our true selves, we flow in a state of peace, victory, health, happiness and abundance. How do I know? Because we were all created do so. 

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